Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Exam Content - Term 3

Year 11 Term 3 Exam content

·         Reading (Crit B)
Revise by reading as much as you can in English (Library books, news websites – BBC, The Guardian, The Times, Football blogs, Roald Dahl short stories). The more exposed you are to vocab, structures, English in general the more your English will gradually improve.

·         Writing (Crit C):
1)     List 1  (Studyblue) All in the Mind 
2)      List 2 (Headmagnet) – The world of work
3)      List 3 (Quizlet) – Term 3 exam structures
4)      Man from the south –Powerpoint emailed to class email

1)      Gerund/infinitive
CAE Textbook: p. 50, p. 66 (ex 4)
CAE Workbook: p. 26 CAE + website (English page) Gerund/ Infinitive

2)      Sentence transformations
 CAE Textbook – p.51, p. 66 (ex 5), p. 67 (ex3)
CAE Workbook – p.14, p.24,

Website to practise sentence transformations:
1) 38 sentence transformations
2) 70 sentence transformation

Writing styles
1)      Proposal writing (REF: CAE textbook p. 170)
2)      Formal Letter Writing (REF: CAE textbook p. 174)
For both forms of writing – revise FORMAL structures and vocabulary

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Landlady - Roald Dahl (p.41)

Task 1
Think of 3 ways a writer can create a chilling/frightening atmosphere:
Task 2
Look at the image of the old woman. Think of adjectives of verbs to go with the following 5 nouns, which make the woman sound SINISTER
1)      Eyes
2)      Voice
3)      Skin
4)      Hands
5)      Nails

Staring, wrinkled, sharp, glintling, high-pitched, saggy, pointed, piercing, penetrating, clasped, calculating

Task 3 (The Landlady p.41)

1.       What are your first impressions of Billy Weaver?
2.       Describe why he has travelled to Bath.
3.       What word is repeated to suggest that he is young?
4.       Why do you think that Roald Dahl places such great emphasis on Billy’s youth? 

      Task 4
      P.41 - p.41 - Should Billy enter the B and B?


Task 5
Writer´s Techniques: Find in the text examples of the following techniques
1) Foreshadowing

Example of foreshadowing (quote)
What does this suggest may happen?

2) Dramatic Irony